MRC 312 E / 334 E


  • Designed for today, ready for tomorrow.
  • Recover, recycle and recharge in one economical system.
  • CE units
R 12 ……. You want to handle it?
The answer ……. 
MRC 312 E
You want to handle ……. R 134a?
MRC 334 E ……. is the answer.
The MRC 312 E recycles R12 refrigerant used in most vehicles on the road today. The MRC 312 E can also be dedicated for use with R 22, R 500 or R502 refrigerants. Now you can take full advantage of the profit opportunities in auto A?C service work.

MRC 312 E R 12

The MRC 334 E recycles the environmentally kind R 134a refrigerant soon to be the standard on all vehicles. With the MRC 334 E, you will be ready for profitable A/C work on the newest cars.

MRC 334 E = R 134a

CE – The MRC 312 E and MRC 334 E are designed in accordance with the CE requirements, which is obligatory in Europe as of 1 January 1996. All units are TUV Germany approved.